Transfer from Kaohsiung Main Station to Sizhiwan Gu-shan Ferry Pier → Take the ferry to Cijin Peninsula → Cruising around Cijin district (Cijin Old Street, Cihuo Battery, Cihuo Lighthouse, Wind-power Park) → Take the ferry back to Gu-shan Ferry Pier → Taste big bowl of shaved ice → Enjoy the view of Kaohsiung Harbor and City at The British Consulate at Takow → Visit Kaohsiung nightmarket (Rei-feng or Lui-he) → Take the romantic Love River cuise 高雄火車站出發→前往西子灣搭乘鼓山渡輪→至旗津老街遊玩(天后宮、海港老街、吃海鮮、旗津風車公園、旗津燈塔) →搭渡輪返回鼓山渡輪站→品嚐著名的大碗公冰品→英國領事館欣賞高雄港及市區全景→走訪高雄夜市~瑞豐夜市/六合夜市→愛河遊船 |
※Details/說明: 1. MRT as the main transportation 全程使用高雄捷運 2. The expenses of airline tickets and airport tax will be covered by the passengers. 出入境機票、機場稅敬請自理 3. No compelling shopping schedule, and all entrance ticket, local transportation, insurance, tip, accommodation included; only meal excluded. 全程不含餐,無購物行程 4. Exchange rate: 1 USD : 30 TWD. The bill need to be paid by TWD (displaying USD only for reference) 美金:台幣=1:30,屆時收費以台幣為主,美金僅為報價參考 |