地 區:東南亞
國 家:台灣
城 市:宜蘭縣/台北市
Day1 Arrive at Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport → Transfer from airport to Miramar Garden Taipei Hotel 桃園機場→機場接機送往入宿酒店(宿:美麗信花園酒店) Day2 Breakfast → Experience manual harvesting shallot at Yilan shallot farm →Lunch → Visit the Tea & Rice Resort → Experience Taiwan traditional culture at National Center for Traditional Arts → Stay at Guan Xiang Century Hotel 早餐→宜蘭三星趣味採蔥趣→午餐→冬山鄉菇菇茶米館趣味農村樂→傳藝中心老台灣之旅(宿:礁溪冠翔) Day3 Breakfast → Visit Lanyang Museum → Lunch → Biking along Fulong old railway → Visit the northeast coast of Taiwan → Heading to Taipei →Pineapple Cakes DIY → Taipei City night trip: experience Taiwan night market culture → Stay atMiramar Garden Taipei Hotel 早餐→蘭陽博物館→午餐→福隆自行車老鐵道體驗→東北角之美→台北→鳳梨酥DIY→台北+夜市走訪(宿:美麗信花園酒店) Day4 Breakfast → ( If your flight leave at the afternoon) Visit the Presidential Office Building / Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall → Leave from Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport 早餐→台北市區總統府 / 中正紀念堂等(若為下午班機)→桃園機場 |
※Details/說明: 1. Mini tour, departure with a minimum of 4 people. 四人成行 2. Free bottled water per day for each person. 贈送每人每天一瓶礦泉水 3. The expenses of airline tickets and airport tax will be covered by the passengers. 出入境機票、機場稅敬請自理 4. We will handle the vehicle dispatching. 全程派車由我社處理 5. No compelling shopping schedule, and all entrance ticket, local transportation, insurance, tip, accommodation included; only meal excluded. 全程不含餐,無購物行程 6. There will be an extra USD 100 per person on weekends. 假日每人加價100元美金 7. Exchange rate: 1 USD : 30 TWD. The bill need to be paid by TWD (displaying USD only for reference) 美金:台幣=1:30,屆時收費以台幣為主,美金僅為報價參考 |